


Garcia-Ponce, E. E., Mora-Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. M., & Crawford, T. (2018). Task Design Characteristics and EFL Learners’ Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency during Uncontrolled Pair Interactions: A Naturalistic Perspective. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 6(1), 75-92.

García-Ponce, E. E.; Lengeling, M. M.; Mora-Pablo, I. & Crawford, T. (2018). Complexity and likely influence of teachers’ and learners’ beliefs about speaking practice: Effects on and implications for communicative approaches. January 2018 International Journal of Language Studies, 12(1), 125-146.

Serna-Gutiérrez, J. I. O., & Mora-Pablo, I. (2018). Critical incidents of transnational student-teachers in Central Mexico. Profile. Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 137-150.


Armenta Delgado, I. & Mora-Pablo, I. (2017). Dealing with Culture and Cultural Stereotypes in the Construction of the Other. Memorias del congreso internacional de investigación Academia Journals Tabasco 2017. ISSN 1946-5351 Vol. 9 (3). Pp. 226-232.

Christiansen, M. S.; Trejo Guzmán, N. P. & Mora Pablo, I. (2017). You know English, so why don’t you teach? Language ideologies and returnees becoming English language teachers in Mexico. International Multilingual Research Journal.

Garcia-Ponce, E. E. (2017). My Story of Becoming an EFL Teacher: A Dynamic Perspective of Processes Involved in Teacher Socialisation and Cognition. En M. Martha Lengeling (Ed. & Coord.), Narratives and experiences of teaching English in Mexico. León: Universidad de Guanajuato y Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.

Garcia-Ponce, E. E. (2017). Effects of task characteristics on learners’ fluency, complexity and accuracy during EFL interactions: Implications for speaking practice. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 7(2), 70-89. Retrieved from

Garcia-Ponce, E. E., & Mora-Pablo, I. (2017). Discussing the Chaos/Complexity Theory from an EFL perspective: An interview with Professor Larsen-Freeman. MEXTESOL Journal, 41(3). Retrieved from

Garcia-Ponce, E. E., & Mora-Pablo, I. (2017). Exploring the effects of teachers’ and learners’ conflicting beliefs on the provision of corrective feedback during undisturbed classroom interactions. GiST Education and Learning Research Journal.

Garcia-Ponce, E.E., Lengeling, M. M., & Mora Pablo, I. (2017). Discrimination in the TESOL profession in Mexico: Voices and perspectives of English as a foreign language teachers. Journal of English Language Teaching, 7(4), 55-67.

Garcia-Ponce, E.E., Lengeling, M. M., Mora Pablo, I., & Crawford, C. (2017). What can two writing tasks tell us  about language performance during uncontrolled classroom practice? An exploratory study of EFL leaners’ complexity, fluency and accuracy. International Journal of Language and Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 1-25.

Garcia-Ponce, E. E., Mora-Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. M., & Crawford, T. (2018). Task Design Characteristics and EFL Learners’ Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency during Uncontrolled Pair Interactions: A Naturalistic Perspective. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 6(1), 75-92.

Garcia Ponce, E. E., Mora Pablo, I., Crawford Lewis, T., & Lengeling, M. M. (2017). Effects of Teachers’ and Learners’ Beliefs on Negotiation for Meaning and Negative Feedback during Interactions in EFL Classrooms. International Journal of Modern Language Teaching and Learning, 2(2), 54-66.

Garcia Ponce, E. E. (2017). Learners's use of discourse functions during interactions for speaking practice in English as a foreign language classrooms. MexTESOL Journal, 41(1), 1-18.

Lengeling, M. M., Mora Pablo, I., & Barrios Gasca, B. L. (2017). Teacher socialization of EFL teachers at public school levels in Central Mexico. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 19 (1), 41-54

Lengeling, M. M. and Mora-Pablo, I. (2017). Emotions and discourse in L2 narrative research, by Matthew T. Prior. Language and Education, DOI:10.1080/09500782.2017.1327961

Mora-Pablo, I. & Lengeling, M. M. (2017). Critical incidents in the lives of ELT practitioners: from reaction to reflection. En M. Martha Lengeling (Ed. & Coord.), Narratives and experiences of teaching English in Mexico. México: Universidad de Guanajuato y Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. (71-82).

Sayer, P., & Crawford, T. (2017). Developing a Collaborative Qualitative Research Project Across Borders: Issues and Dilemmas. The Qualitative Report22(6), 1580-1588. Retrieved from

Serna Gutiérrez, J. I. O. & Mora Pablo, I. (2017). Historias de vida: trayectorias académicas de migrantes de retorno. Jóvenes en la Ciencia. Revista de Divulgación Científica, 3 (1). Pp. 444-448.


Basurto Santos, N. M., Hernández Alarcón, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (2016). Fillers and the development of oral strategic competence in foreign language learning. PORTA LINGUARUM, 25 (1) pp. 191-201. ISSN: 1697-7467.

Crawford, T., Mora Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. & Trejo Guzman, NP (2016). Exploring Emotions in Bilingual Academic Writers, Academia Journals, 8(5), 1238-1243.

Crawford, T., Mora Pablo, I. & Lengeling, M. M. (2016). Struggling authorial identity of second language university academic writers in Mexico. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 18 (1). ISSN 1657-0790 (printed) 2256-5760 (online).

Lengeling, M., Crawford, T., Mora Pablo, I. & Blomquist, N. (2016) Discrimination within the TESOL Profession: Perspectives of Teachers, Academia Journals, 8(5), 3163-3167.

 Lengeling, M., Crawford, T., Mora Pablo, I., & Aviles, A. (2016) Mentoring of EFL Teachers to Become Future Teacher Trainers in the EFL Profession, Academia Journals, 8(5), 3168-3172.

Lengeling, M. M., & Mora Pablo, I. (2016). Reflections on critical incidents of EFL teachers during career entry in Central Mexico. HOW, 23(2), 75-88.

Lengeling, M. M. & Ruiz Esparza Barajas, E. (Coord.). (2016). Histories of English as a foreign language teacher development in Mexican public universities. Mexico: Pearson.

Lengeling, M. M., Crawford, T. & Mora Pablo, I. (2016). Chapter 3. The constant evolution of teacher development in a public university in central Mexico. En Lengeling, M. M. & Ruiz Esparza Barajas, E. (Coord.). (2016). Histories of English as a foreign language teacher development in Mexican public universities. Mexico: Pearson. Pp. 59-77.

Mora Pablo, I., Frausto Hernández, I. & Rangel Gamiño, N. (2016). Transnational teachers of English in Mexico: Becoming professionals. In Basurto Santos, N. M. & Cárdenas, M. L. (Eds.). Investigaciones sin fronteras: New and enduring issues in foreign language education. Xalapa, Veracruz: Universidad Veracruzana. Pp. 303-314.

Trejo Guzmán, N. P., Mora Vázquez, A., Mora Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. M. & Crawford, T. (2016). Learning transitions of returnee English teachers in Mexico. Lenguas en Contexto, 13 (1). pp. 121-136. ISSN: 2007-3038.


Armenta, I. & Holliday, A. (2005).  Researching Discourses of Culture and Native-speakerism.   In Swan, A., Aboshiha, P. & Holliday, A. (Eds.). (En) Countering Native-speakerism. Global Perspectives (pp.109-123). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retreived from:

Armenta, I. (2015). Constructing ‘culture’: Towards a cosmopolitan attitude. In Lengeling, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (Coord.) Perspectivas sobre la Investigación Cualitativa/ Perspectives on Qualitative Research. (pp. 517-534). Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Crawford, T. & Rivas Rivas, L. (2015).  Exploring emotional identity and battles as academic writers/authors. In Lengeling, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (Coord.) Perspectivas sobre la Investigación Cualitativa/ Perspectives on Qualitative Research, (pp.621-633). Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Goodwin, D., Narváez Trejo, O., Macola Rojo, C. & Núñez Mercado, P.) (Coord.) (2015). Percepciones interinstitucionales sobre la formación de profesores. Biblioteca Digital de Humanidades: Universidad Veracruzana.

Goodwin, D., Mora Pablo, I., Crawford, T., Lengeling, M. M. & Rubio Zenil, B. (2015). Capítulo 4: Percepciones sobre la formación de profesores de inglés en la Universidad de Guanajuato: Una perspectiva cualitativa. En Goodwin, D. Narváez Trejo, O., Macola Rojo, C. & Núñez Mercado, P. (Coord.). Percepciones interinstitucionales sobre la formación de profesores. (pp. 151-184). Biblioteca Digital de Humanidades: Universidad Veracruzana. ISBN: 978-607-502-437-0

Lengeling, M. M. (2015). Ambiguities and tensions in English language teaching: Portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers by Peter Sayer. International Multilingual Resarch Journal, 9, 2, 132-135.

Lengeling, M.M.,  Basurto Santos, N. M.,  Marzin, E. & Mora Pablo, I. (2015). El uso de una tercera lengua (L3) en el salón de español como lengua extranjera: Las perspectivas de maestros y maestros practicantes. In Lengeling, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (Coord.) Perspectivas sobre la Investigación Cualitativa/ Perspectives on Qualitative Research, (pp.  207-218). Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Lengeling, M. M., Crawford, T., Derry, B., & Mora Pablo, I. (2015). Socialización de profesores de inglés en el programa PNIEB: Sus voces e identidades. Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals, 3063-3067. ISBN 978-1-93982-18-6.

 Lengeling, M.M., Miller, J., Santana, J.C., Rodríguez Bulnes, M.G., Schrader. U. & Roche, C.M. (2015). Writing and publishing in academic journals: Whys and hows. In Pineada, M.G. (Ed.) 42nd International MEXTESOL Convention Proceedings Building the Future Today: English Language Teaching and Learning Breakthroughs, (pp. 7-11).  Mexico City: MEXTESOL.

Lengeling, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (Coord.) (2015). Perspectivas sobre la Investigación Cualitativa/ Perspectives on Qualitative Research. Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Lengeling, M. M., Mora Pablo, I., Crawford, T., & Muñoz de Cote, L. M. (2015).  Formación y capacitación de los profesores de inglés.  In Ramírez Romero, J.L. (Ed.). La Enseñanza del Inglés en las Primarias Publicas Mexicanas (pp. 127-142). Mexico City: Pearson.

Lengeling, M. M. & Rubio Zenil, B. (2015). Los tesoros bibliográficos de la Biblioteca Armando Olivares en otros idiomas. El Mundo del Libro, (pp. 97-106). Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Mora Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. M. & Basurto Santos, N. M. (2015). Cruzando fronteiras: narrativas de transnacionais tornando-se professores de língua inglesa no México. / Crossing borders: Stories of transnationals becoming English language teachers in Mexico. Signum Estudos da Linguagem, 18 (2). Pp. 326-348. ISSN 2237-4876 Retrieved from:

Mora Pablo, I. (2015). Constructing the English Teacher: Discourses of Attachment and Detachment at a Mexican University. In Swan, A., Aboshiha, P. & Holliday, A. (Eds.). (En) Countering Native-speakerism. Global Perspectives (pp.109-123). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from:

Mora Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. M. & Crawford, T. (2015). Crossing borders: Hybrid identities among a new generation of English teachers. The Newsletter of the Applied Linguists Interest Section. TESOL International Association, February 2015. Retrieved from:

Mora Pablo, I., Lengeling, M. M., Crawford, T. & Goodwin, D. (2015). La influencia de la familia en las decisiones profesionales de los migrantes de retorno. Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals, 3856-3860. ISBN 978-1-93982-18-6.

Mora Pablo, I.,  Lengeling, M.M., Rivas Rivas, L.,  Basurto Santos, N. M.,  & Villareal Ballesteros, A.C. (2015).  What does it mean to be transnational? Social construction of ethnic identity. In Lengeling, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (Coord.) Perspectivas sobre la Investigación Cualitativa/ Perspectives on Qualitative Research,  (pp. 487-500). Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Mora Pablo, I., Rivas Rivas, L. A., Lengeling, M. M. & Crawford, T. (2015). Transnationals becoming English teachers in Mexico: Effects of language brokering and identity formation. GIST Education and Learning Research Journal, 10, Jan.- June, pp. 7-28. ISSN: 16925777. Retrieved from:

Rubio Zenil, B. & Lengeling, M.M.,  Marzin, E. &  Braulio Ramírez, P.J. (2015).Categoría de competente o no competente en L2.  In Lengeling, M. M. & Mora Pablo, I. (Coord.) Perspectivas sobre la Investigación Cualitativa/ Perspectives on Qualitative Research, (pp.  177-190).  Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.

Rubio Zenil, B., Goodwin, D. & Armenta Delgado, I.  (2015). El “code switching” como recurso en la organización de la interacción en lengua extranjera. Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals (pp. 5247-525).  ISBN 978-1-939982-18-6.


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